WALL-E Movie Review

By Jennifer Coale

WALL-E is a brilliant computer-animated science fiction movie that was released by Pixar in 2008. The story follows a little robot called Wall-E. He is programmed to strictly compact and stack blocks of trash on what is left of the planet Earth, and he is going about these duties when he finds small green plant growing in an old dirty boot. Earth has been abandoned for generations, and a plant hasn’t been seen in hundreds of years, so his find ends up creating chaos in the space-ship that contains the remainder of human beings. This movie is considered by many to be a silly, but cute and well done, children’s movie. However when you really pay attention to the gravity and seriousness of the events that take place in it, it is through and through a work of science fiction that an adult can enjoy as well. I personally was really touched by this movie, and thought that it was adorable, but also somewhat terrifying because of what it was suggesting. On the space-ship that the humans inhabit, things are completely different than the life we know here. All the people are extremely overweight, and no longer know how to walk because they each have a chair that glides them around to wherever they want to go. The chairs also take care of all their needs: food, water, a change of clothes, everything. In addition to this, there is constantly a digital screen in front of their faces in which they watch movies or read websites or video chat with people who are just a few feet away from them. These screens are so distracting that the inhabitants aren’t even aware that their ship has a pool. Robots raise the children, and though the ship does have a captain, it is actually manned by an auto-pilot machine. In fact, the robot Wall-E has more character than any of the humans, which is what brings about the change. All of these themes are really strong, and I found it to be a really interesting interpretation of what could happen to our decaying planet due to our ever-growing abundance of trash, and how we could one day face a planet that no longer has plants. I would give this movie the highest of ratings, both because of how well done the animation is, and for the thoroughly deep science-fictional storyline.